
Containerization using Docker

Containerization, facilitated by Docker, plays a crucial role in efficiently isolating and distributing applications. Docker containers encapsulate everything needed to run an application, ensuring consistency across various environments. This approach simplifies distribution, versioning, and dependency management, enhancing the overall portability of applications.

To containerize the system, a strategy was devised to incorporate a Dockerfile within each microservice, tailoring it to the specific platform used for the service. From JaCaMo for the agents to Spring for the backend and Vue for the frontend, each Dockerfile is crafted accordingly.

Dockerfiles and Descriptions:

1. JaCaMo Agents - Dockerfile for Build and Execution Phases:


2. Spring Boot Application - Dockerfile for Build and Deployment Phases:


3. Node.js Application with Nginx - Dockerfile for Build and Production Phases:


Docker Compose:

The Dockerfiles are orchestrated using Docker-Compose, a tool simplifying the management of multi-container Docker applications. The compose.yml file defines the configuration, services, and dependencies of the application.


Running the command docker compose up will initiate the Docker containers, automatically executing gradlew within them. This fully automates the system, providing a seamless and consistent deployment environment.

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